What Happens When You Make A Late Credit Card Payment - What Happens When Make a Late Credit Card Payment ... : If you miss two or more payments within six months, you could pay a late fee of up to $39.
What Happens When You Make A Late Credit Card Payment - What Happens When Make a Late Credit Card Payment ... : If you miss two or more payments within six months, you could pay a late fee of up to $39. . If you don't pay your card on time, your credit card issuer could end up charging you late fees. If you miss two or more payments within six months, you could pay a late fee of up to $39. You must check with your credit card issuer to find out the exact cutoff time for your payment. Your creditor will charge a late fee. Depending on how late your payment is, your credit score could take a hit. If you miss a payment by fewer than 30 days, you can usually recover with minimal harm to your credit score. If you continue to miss the due date, you can incur additional late fees. Missed credit card payments are generally added to your credit report when the payment is more than 30 days late. You must check with your credit card issuer to find out the exact cutoff time ...